Finally, some news! South Park: The End Of Obesity is coming May 24!
Mona Marshall, who voices several characters on South Park, recently confirmed that a new special will be released "in the next couple of weeks." That's exciting! I wonder if it will drop without warning like the last special did.
Hey parkateers! I've been sitting on this for a while, but I have some exciting news... there is now a FORUM here on Mountain Town! This brand spanking new SP community has sections to discuss the show, share fanart and fanfiction, and more. It's not perfect, but most features should be semi-functional as of now. Everyone is invited to join!
Snow Day is out now! Here's the launch trailer from Steam.
No super exciting South Park news yet, but another Snow Day trailer has been released.
Happy Valentine's day everyone! Here's hoping Matt and Trey share some sweet news about the next season soon.
Happy New Year! Wishing every parkateer a kickass 2024!
Merry Christmas to those who celebrate!
A few links to watch the new special are available on the watch page; it's also in GregRam's Google Drive. Hope everyone enjoys it!
Looks like they released South Park: Not Suitable for Children last night. Apparently they advertised it on billboards but every upload of the trailer was removed from Youtube...? Great marketing, they really spread the word that a new SP special was about to drop. I'll let you all know when I have links for it.
As you may have noticed if you've visited the South Park Studios site recently, the official SPS Forum is set to close on January 10, 2024. The forum is home to threads from as far back as 2005, meaning years of the SP fanbase's history will be lost soon. Concerned fans have organized to capture these pages with the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine, and anyone is invited to contribute. You can read more about the project and learn what you can do to help here.
A trailer for the upcoming Paramount+ special was recently leaked! It seems... interesting? Maybe?
Hey everyone! A friend of mine is conducting some really cool research on South Park "shipping" culture! If you're familiar with this aspect of the SP fanbase, it would be awesome if you'd take this survey. More information about the project can be found on the Ship Stats blog.
Another Snow Day trailer just dropped, and the game is now available for pre-order! As a big Stick of Truth fan, I'm glad they're doing another project with the fantasy themes.
Happy Halloween!
I've added a few links for Joining the Panderverse to the South Park watch page. I hope everyone enjoys the special! :)
Happy birthday to Stan! (And Trey Parker, I guess.)
South Park: Joining the Panderverse has just been announced! The special will premiere on October 27.
"Cartman’s deeply disturbing dreams portend the end of the life he knows and loves. The adults in South Park are also wrestling with their own life decisions as the advent of AI is turning their world upside down." (From Paramount Plus on Youtube)
Today is Mountain Town's first birthday! I just wanted to say I appreciate everyone who has supported the site so far by posting about it, sending feedback, or even just passing through. I'm looking forward to another year—cool things are in the works!
Finally, some actual South Park news: SNOW DAY, the next SP game, has been announced. It doesn't seem to be a main installment in the vein of Stick of Truth and Fractured but Whole, but I'm sure it will be fun all the same. Interestingly enough, they've gone with a 3D art style for it!
Well, it's August! I hope the return to classes goes well for those of you still in school.
I've been busy with other projects lately, but I plan to update the site with more content soon. As always, feel free to send me anything you think has a place on Mountain Town!
Happy 4th of July, from South Park Studios in 2003 and from myself in 2023!
I have removed S2D links from the Watch pages. Rest easy, old friend.
Mountain Town now has an RSS feed! You can follow this feed to keep up with site changes; I also intend to share South Park related news, whenever there is any of that.
Exciting news: I've finally hunted down a Juz piece with the watermark!! There is now a page for sweeeter stuff, made in hopes I'll eventually have more to add.
Happy birthday to Kyle and Matt Stone! The links page is currently being revamped; feel free to email me if you have a South Park page you want linked.
I've added a page for Books & Articles. The formatting is kind of lame, but I'll fix it someday! I'm still working on uploading photos of my merchandise collection.
Happy April 20th!
It's crazy there's no new episode tonight, season 26 was so short. I'm looking forward to the specials that should be coming out soon! Anyways, layout changes should be complete for now; in terms of content, music links have been updated, along with gif and icon pages.
Things might look ugly around here for a bit, I'm messing with the layout and updating some pages.
Happy late birthday to KENNY!! Seeing everyone's favorite little immortal guy in last night's episode was so awesome.
The episode last night KICKED ASS. I've watched it twice already, and it's one of my favorite things they've done recently. I know I said that about Cupid Ye, but this season has been so good so far!
A couple music links are broken again, and they're going to stay that way for a while because it's a pain in the ass to fix them.
The links page is... as done as it's going to be for now.
I LOVED the new episode, it's so funny and it's an awesome start to the season! Definitely the best episode they've put out in years. I've uploaded it here if you want to watch it :]
Finally got around to making some visual changes to the site and updating broken music links. Thank you Season and Alister for the feedback!
I hope everyone enjoys the first episode of season 26 tonight! :D
First update of the new year! Nothing big to announce, I just made a few cosmetic changes.
Lied so bad, I still want to add sections for dividers and articles, and I've collected more gifs to upload. On the back end of things, the site is mostly complete. I'm working on a feature to hide offensive content until it's clicked on.
Scans page is done. I'm putting together a page for holiday stuff, and after that I'll pretty much be done uploading shit.
Graphics pages are up, as are the Watch pages.
South Park yaoi has been CANCELLED (removed my blog from homepage). Added a cbox instead.
Pages for gifs, icons, backgrounds, and banners are now up! I'm still uploading my 3D art collection.
Fixing some spacing and shit.
Added my blog to the homepage. Now you can see different images of South Park yaoi every time you reload it.
Added "Updates" section on homepage. Finally got the on-click randomized audio to work.